ÜConvinced connoisseurs go straight to the source. The factory outlet in the Holzhaus offers the entire HoWe range in full freshness as well as a select programme of high-quality meat products.
As well as our own products, our factory shop offers top-quality meat and sausage specialities from the region, topped off with a few seasonal delicacies.
Our current selection includes:
- Vacuum-packed meat
- Specialities from the Franconia region
- Kochwurst (traditional pre-cooked sausage varieties)
- Rohwurst (non-cooked sausages, e.g. smoked varieties)
- Barbecue specialities
- Seasonal specialities
Monday to Wednesday:
09:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Tuesday to Friday:
08:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
08:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
HoWe Wurstwaren KG
Regenstraße 1
90451 Nürnberg
Firmengelände, Einfahrt Donaustraße
Welcome to convenient shopping on the company parking area.
For personal contac please dial th following number:
+49 (0) 911 – 64 11 342